Submit your papers to ECCE Europe 2025

Share your research and innovations.

Submit your paper and be part of Europe's premier power electronics conference.
Deadline: February 25

Join leading researchers and industry experts at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham, UK, this August 31 - September 4. Present your groundbreaking research in power electronics to an engaged global community.

ECCE Europe 2025 in Birmingham, UK

Save the date!

The ECCE-Europe 2025 conference and exhibition will take place from 31 August to 4 September at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Birmingham, UK.

Prof. Volker Pickert (Newcastle University) and Prof. Patrick Wheeler (University of Nottingham) serve as general chairs and are looking forward to welcoming the power electronics community to the West Midlands, the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.

Welcome Message

Meet the General Chairs

While ECCE Europe 2025 is co-organized by ECPE and IEEE PELS, the General Chairs lead the conference commitee which decides on the detailed event structure and schedule. Prof. Volker Pickert and Prof . Pat Wheeler represent two important centres for power electroniks in the UK - Newcastle University and the University of Nottimgham (links to 1-page-profiles).

Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor

ECCE Europe combines a great scientific programme with a lively exhibition. Join as sponsor or exhibitor and present your company or institute to the power electronics' community.


ECCE Europe 2025 is organized by

in cooperation with Local Organization (PCO)

Kenzler Conference Management (KCM)
Karla-Schmidt-Str. 14
30655 Hannover, Germany

Tel: +49 (0)511 65581860
E‐Mail:  info[at]ecce-europe[dot]org 


Postal address ECPE e.V.:
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Ostendstrasse 181
D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

© 2024 ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.